commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them
on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along
the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on
your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes
of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy
GOLDEN ABC contains 35 Bible verses starting with the letters of the alphabet. Each
of the Bible verses is decorated with a colour picture. Six words have been
illustrated on the back of the pages linked to each verse that begins with the
same letter. Our goal is to assist children in memorizing, in understanding and
in practicing Bible verses. They can also colour the pictures on the back of the
pages. The different playful tasks allow parents to make family worship and
being together more exiting. Also teachers can use them to make Sunday school and
religion lessons more interesting.
GOLDEN ABC contains many important truths. For example, God's Word is true. He
listens to you. Jesus Christ does not change. He has a plan for you etc. It`s
about faith, forgiveness, salvation, decisions, peace, joy, praise, readiness,
ministry etc.
a prominent place for the GOLDEN ABC! We can put it on table, on a shelf or we
can hang it on a wall. Place it if it`s
possible in a room where the family worships together. Make it attractive and
nice for young children as well as for older children!
Some ideas about
how we can use the GOLDEN ABC:
course, the method we can use is determined by the age and number of children. Young
kids can`t read but the letters have been attractive to them and pictures make
it easy to memorize.
First of all read the verse several times clearly and studiously!
If there are some words kids do not know yet, explain their meaning short!
Than talk about the bible verse! What does this mean for me, for us?
In connection with this golden saying we can tell the kids child friendly experiences
from our own life.
We can discuss a story from the Bible its message is related to this verse.
Then repeat the Bible verse together!
One or two words can be covered and we can practice it until everyone memorized
it. Finally the kids can recite it individually.
Pray according topics!
Sing songs that deepen the message of the verse:
can be used related to verses with letters A and É, for example: „Jó Pásztor,
Jézus…” (Good Shepherd, Jesus...) „Egy juhocskát ismerek …” (I know a little lamb…) „Jézus a jó Pásztor…” (Jesus The Good
Shepherd ...) (Source: Gyermekek öröme 81, 25, 76.) “Az Úr a
pásztorom… (The Lord is my shepherd…) ”
„Az Úr az én hű pásztorom…” (The Lord is my
true shepherd…) (Source: Jertek, énekeljünk
144, 145.) „Hogy Jézus juha vagyok…” (I am Jesus ‘Lamb…) (Source: Hitünk énekei 210, A
Hit Hangjai Gyermekbibliaköri énekek 667.) „Sűrű erdő mélyén…”( Dense deep forest ...) “Megy a pásztor…” (The shepherd is
going…) (Source:
HH. Gyerm. 668, Jertek, énekeljünk 159.) „Benn, benn, benn
vagyunk…” (We are inside, inside, inside…) (Source: Bárányfelhők c. CD) „Eljött a
Bárány…” (The lamb has come…) (Source: Benn a bárány, kinn a farkas c. CD) „Rólam van szó…” (It`s about
me…) (Source:
Szánsájn Hálidéj c. CD)
Some suggestions
how to use the back side:
back side of the page can be used when the Bible verse with the current letter has
been discussed detailed and kids memorised it. They can recognize the pictures
easily. Presentation of the illustrations could be shared among family members.
Everyone could talk about one or two pictures and kids can colour them
can help them with age-appropriate questions. For example: What is this? Is
this a creature an object or a concept? What could it be used for? What
is it made from? Do we have it at home? What colour does it have in reality? Can it be found in the Bible? In which story
did we hear about it? Could you find a Bible verse where it has been mentioned?
numbers can be found on some backsides. Thus some maths can be added as well. For
example: Is it an even number? Is it a one digit number? Which number comes
before and after? What happens when you add… more to the number? What happens when
you multiply it by…?
can play guessing games as well. Write
down each of the 6 words on a separate piece of paper. Then fold up the papers.
Finally everyone can pick one of them. Others ask questions and they figure out
based on the answers what's in the picture. We can play with the words Activity
as well.
Spelling games can diversify our activities if the kids
can write:
- Make
a sentence, where all words start with the letter of the defined picture. One of
the words should be the name of the image itself. For example with letter
N: „Nappal negyvennégy nagyon nagy
napraforgó nevetgélt nekem nevemen nevezve.” It may bring the kids number of
delightful moments.
- Alphabetize
the names of the charts! For example letter Ő: őr, őröl, ősz, őszibarack, őszül,
- Write
or tell phrases, proverbs that contain the defined word! For example letter Á: „Ki mint veti ágyát, úgy alussza álmát.” (“As
one makes his bed, so he sleeps his dream.”) „Szegény embert ág is húzza.” (“A
poor man is pulled even by the branch of a tree.”)
with each other! Make being together as interesting as possible! Collect
biblical names or objects with the defined letter. With
older kids we can play "Town, Country and River" game as well.
the Golden ABC all the time from the beginning before we start with a new
letter! It helps to deepen our knowledge. In addition to expanding Bible
knowledge it is also useful for developing memory and for skill building.
wish that your children become attached to God's Word by the help of Golden ABC,
that they fix it in their mind, put it on their heart. Obey your kids the Lord Jesus and may they
have a balanced, happy and blessed life! Your
whole family will reap the harvest of it.
wish you good learning, fun playing and pleasant moments!
28th March 2013.
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